MEHANO REPARATUR paint can be used as top coat for repair of cars, trucks, tractors and for other metal surfaces in automotive industry. It belongs to group of high quality products. Coat has high shine and exellent coverage, extraordinary paint flow and mechanic characteristics: hardness, elasticity, adhesion and resistance to every weather condition
*We recommend IRKOM Nitro Primer for metal
Expiration date: 48 months
Coverage: pakovanje od 0.75l covers 6-8 m²
ČUVATI VAN DOMAŠAJA DECE. KEEP AWAY FROM CHILDREN!Keep away from heat, hot surfaces, sparks and flame. Smoking is forbidden during the work. Avoid inhaling vapor or spray. Ask for medical help if you feel sick. Avoid spill of the product inenvironment. Disposal of product / package has to be inaccordance with national regulations.
CAUTION! Both liquid and vapor are flamable. Liquid and vapor causes drowiness and fainting. Permanent or periodical exsposure to this product can damage organs. It is hazardous to aquatic environment and leaves permanent consequences. Repeatedly contact with this product causes cracked and dry skin. It contains methyl ketoxime and Cobalt-bis (2 –ethylhexanoate). Causes allergies.